09-03-2018, 01:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-30-2018, 05:24 AM by KnifeGrinders.)
Inspired by the thread by Mike and Grepper http://www.bessex.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=371
What wire edge is
Well-known 2 steps in sharpening a knife are apexing and deburring, and deburring is more challenging since it determines how sharp and stable your edge will be.
There is one very special zone at the base of the burr, right between the burr and the apex, designated as LOW on the below optical microscope image showing layers of the burr (the image is from the above thread).
![[Image: 02_burr_layers.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/02_burr_layers.jpg)
After you deburr the edge, the base of the burr turns into the wire edge.
The wire edge is often regarded as a structural continuation of the apex – it is its sharpest but also the weakest structure. From a logical standpoint this poses straightforward reasoning – the burr formation is the result of plastic deformation, why would one expect the steel at the base of the burr stay the same as the apex?
In the ultra-sharp sharpening we distinguish more steps in deburring, namely: exposing the base of the burr also known as wire edge, and cleaning the apex of it.
The following optical microscope images show a burr off a coarse abrasive that is easily felt by brushing a finger across the edge, and next to it a blade with the wire edge that you cannot see and cannot feel. (By courtesy of Tony Spielberg, USA)
![[Image: 03_burr_coarse.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/03_burr_coarse.jpg)
![[Image: wire_edge.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/wire_edge.jpg)
The wire edge on SEM edge-on view (all SEM images are by courtesy of Todd Simpson scienceofsharp.wordpress.com)
![[Image: 05_SEM_wire_edge.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/05_SEM_wire_edge.jpg)
“Feather burr” and “Foil edge” are two more edge geometries that can be created in the finishing stage of removing the burr – these two are near synonymic and are a product of edge-trailing honing at the edge angle; shown on the following optical and SEM microscope images.
![[Image: 06_feather_burr.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/06_feather_burr.jpg)
![[Image: 07_SEM_foil_edge.png]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/07_SEM_foil_edge.png)
We can recognise presence of the wire or foil edge by the edge behaviour in cutting stuff.
An obviously ultra-sharp edge that whittles hair will start a smooth cut but end with tearing, or show clean cuts alternating with ragged - indicating a weak edge folding in the process. If the edge is not cutting well, it can only mean two things: either it has not been fully apexed, or there's a burr or crushed wire/foil edge getting in the way.
The wire edge crushes under a minimal load by mushrooming seen on SEM microscopy.
![[Image: 08_SEM_mushrooming.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/08_SEM_mushrooming.jpg)
What we see on the BESS sharpness tester?
Because the wire edge is too weak to cut the test line, it crushes on it and, as we increase the downward pressure, mushrooms against the line allowing to apply more pressure onto the widening point till the line gets finally severed – in the point of testing we see a micro-dent in the edge with the mushroomed apex displaced to the dent bottom, and the sharpness reading is times worse than we would expect by seeing the same edge whittle hair and push-cut rolling paper.
![[Image: 11_dent.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/11_dent.jpg)
A knife that fails early is the result of a wire edge that hasn't been properly removed.
A good sharpener knows how to apex and deburr the edge; an expert sharpener knows how to clean the apex of the weak wire edge not rounding it.
The wire edge is very common in edge-trailing deburring as too often the base of the burr is not removed completely. It is just so fine that it is not detected by the 'finger method' most people use. The end result is the wire edge that dulls extremely quickly once the wire gets mushroomed with the first cuts.
How do we clean the apex of the wire edge?
It's a bad idea to simply draw the edge through a wood block, rubber or cork to “rip off” the wire edge. If you do, the metal crud will build up on the front of the slice, and you'll be dragging the rest of the edge through the crud and this, together with breaking off of ledges of material along the edge, will roughen the edge and worsen sharpness.
An edge-leading pass on an ultra-fine bench stone can accomplish the wire edge removal, but at the risk of micro-chipping and abrading off the apex when done by inexperienced hands. A shortfall of this method is that you are introducing a new microscopic burr.
We remove the wire edge by honing with fine diamonds or CBN and raising the honing angle very slightly, from 0.4 to 2 degrees – the softer the steel, the higher the angle. The edge only needs to “sink” the apex into the compressible material, and you can do this on leather, balsa, hard felt or a paper wheel just as easily as on a hanging denim strop loaded with a fine honing compound – the microscopic diamonds will cut at the base of the burr.
Only once you eliminate the base of the burr, there is no more wire edge. A correctly deburred edge shows nothing except the clean scratch pattern going to the end of the apex.
Optical and SEM microscope images of a cleaned edge follow.
![[Image: 12_deburred.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/12_deburred.jpg)
![[Image: 13_SEM_cleaned_edge.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/13_SEM_cleaned_edge.jpg)
Methods to assure completeness of deburring and removal of the wire edge we have at our disposal, on the one hand, and the miniscule nature of that edge on the other, bring us to the point of uncertainty, IMHO.
In all honesty, where a freshly sharpened edge scores over 100 BESS we can not tell for sure whether this results from some residual wire edge or not – because at this BESS score only SEM imaging is able to exclude the weak apex mushrooming against the test line.
Only when the BESS score taken on the standard test media line is near 50 BESS, i.e. that of uncompromised DE razor, we can be absolutely sure that the edge apex is clean of the wire edge, and this is the only instrumental indicator we have readily available at present.
Experiments on wire edge removal
I experimented on a budget stainless steel kitchen knife - WiltShire brand.
We know these knives as producing that nasty malleable mutant burr that is very difficult to clean off, and I used to be happy if I could get them score 170 BESS.
Sharpened on Tormek, the edge was set at 13 dps on #1000 CBN wheel.
Then honed on a paper wheel with 5-micron diamonds at the edge angle - honing mainstream stainless steels this way invariably produces a microscopic feather burr, similar to pictured.
At this step we thin away the original burr and gain access to the base of the burr.
![[Image: feather_burr2.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/feather_burr2.jpg)
The top layers of the burr are removed but leave the base of the burr intact and still stuck to the edge in the form of the wire edge. The wire edge, by its genesis, is the very first layer of the burr laid down and is really well stuck to the edge apex. We think this layer at the base don’t flip with the rest of the burr in the process of deburring.
I then cleaned the hardly visible fine feather burr on a rock-hard felt wheel with 1-micron diamonds on Tormek, using our Frontal Vertical Base for honing away from the wheel, similar to shown on the next picture, only in place of the legendary AL MAR imagine the cheap WiltShire kitchen knife.
The experiment plan was in repeating the sharpening-honing-cleaning sequence, gradually raising the felt honing angle, and recording the resulting BESS scores.
Grinding and honing angle was controlled with our computer software for Tormek and paper wheels.
![[Image: FVB_felt.JPG]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/Shop/FVB_felt.JPG)
Off the #1000 CBN the edge burr scores 250 BESS.
After the 5-micron diamonds paper wheel the edge feather burr scores near 500 BESS; micro-denting is easily detectable in the point of testing. The high BESS score is result of the feather burr crushing and mushrooming against the test line.
Now 1-2 passes on the felt wheel with 1-micron diamonds on Tormek, alternating blade sides.
At this step we hone away the flimsy feather burr and clean the apex of the wire edge.
Felt wheel at the exact edge angle = 100 BESS
Felt wheel at +0.4 degree higher angle = 80 BESS
Felt wheel at +1 degree higher angle = 175 BESS
Felt wheel at +1.5 degree higher angle = 140 BESS
Felt wheel at +2 degree higher angle = 80 BESS
Felt wheel at +2.5 degree higher angle = 120 BESS
I then repeated the two best results, i.e. re-sharpened the edge on #1000 CBN, honed on the 5-micron diamonds paper wheel at the edge angle, and then on the felt at +0.4 vs +2 degrees higher angle, after the felt wheel finishing the edge on a paper wheel with CHROMOX for final cleanup.
Felt wheel 1-mcrn diamonds @ +0.4 degree = 90 BESS >> CHROMOX = 100 BESS
Felt wheel 1-mcrn diamonds @ +2 degrees = 80 BESS >> CHROMOX = 55-60 BESS, hair-splitting.
We see that for the lower-end mainstream stainless steel the best cleaning of the apex is achieved by high-angle honing at 2 degrees higher than the edge angle.
In this case, the edge set at 13 dps, we cleaned at 15 dps, and by the BESS score near 50 BESS we seem to have cleaned off the wire edge.
For that lower end s/s steel, 55 BESS is a record sharpness score on an obviously stable edge.
How I interpret the other failed sequence of "Felt wheel 1-mcrn diamonds @ +0.4 degree = 90 BESS >> CHROMOX = 100 BESS" - I think it tells us that the base of the burr had not been honed away completely on the felt, and the paper wheel with CHROMOX, rather than cleaning the apex, added volume to the remnants of the wire edge, turning it into the foil edge; when it pressed against the test line and mushroomed we saw that increase in the BESS score.
How I interpret changes in the BESS score with the raise of the honing angle on the felt:
Felt wheel at the exact edge angle = 100 BESS <- feather burr removed, we are nearing the base of the burr
Felt wheel at +0.4 degree higher angle = 80 BESS <- the base of the burr exposed
Felt wheel at +1 degree higher angle = 175 BESS <- adding volume to the base of the burr through burnishing
Felt wheel at +1.5 degree higher angle = 140 BESS <- adding volume to the base of the burr
Felt wheel at +2 degree higher angle = 80 BESS <- the base of the burr cut off, the apex exposed
Felt wheel at +2.5 degree higher angle = 120 BESS <- rounding the edge apex
What wire edge is
Well-known 2 steps in sharpening a knife are apexing and deburring, and deburring is more challenging since it determines how sharp and stable your edge will be.
There is one very special zone at the base of the burr, right between the burr and the apex, designated as LOW on the below optical microscope image showing layers of the burr (the image is from the above thread).
![[Image: 02_burr_layers.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/02_burr_layers.jpg)
After you deburr the edge, the base of the burr turns into the wire edge.
The wire edge is often regarded as a structural continuation of the apex – it is its sharpest but also the weakest structure. From a logical standpoint this poses straightforward reasoning – the burr formation is the result of plastic deformation, why would one expect the steel at the base of the burr stay the same as the apex?
In the ultra-sharp sharpening we distinguish more steps in deburring, namely: exposing the base of the burr also known as wire edge, and cleaning the apex of it.
The following optical microscope images show a burr off a coarse abrasive that is easily felt by brushing a finger across the edge, and next to it a blade with the wire edge that you cannot see and cannot feel. (By courtesy of Tony Spielberg, USA)
![[Image: 03_burr_coarse.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/03_burr_coarse.jpg)
![[Image: wire_edge.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/wire_edge.jpg)
The wire edge on SEM edge-on view (all SEM images are by courtesy of Todd Simpson scienceofsharp.wordpress.com)
![[Image: 05_SEM_wire_edge.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/05_SEM_wire_edge.jpg)
“Feather burr” and “Foil edge” are two more edge geometries that can be created in the finishing stage of removing the burr – these two are near synonymic and are a product of edge-trailing honing at the edge angle; shown on the following optical and SEM microscope images.
![[Image: 06_feather_burr.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/06_feather_burr.jpg)
![[Image: 07_SEM_foil_edge.png]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/07_SEM_foil_edge.png)
We can recognise presence of the wire or foil edge by the edge behaviour in cutting stuff.
An obviously ultra-sharp edge that whittles hair will start a smooth cut but end with tearing, or show clean cuts alternating with ragged - indicating a weak edge folding in the process. If the edge is not cutting well, it can only mean two things: either it has not been fully apexed, or there's a burr or crushed wire/foil edge getting in the way.
The wire edge crushes under a minimal load by mushrooming seen on SEM microscopy.
![[Image: 08_SEM_mushrooming.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/08_SEM_mushrooming.jpg)
What we see on the BESS sharpness tester?
Because the wire edge is too weak to cut the test line, it crushes on it and, as we increase the downward pressure, mushrooms against the line allowing to apply more pressure onto the widening point till the line gets finally severed – in the point of testing we see a micro-dent in the edge with the mushroomed apex displaced to the dent bottom, and the sharpness reading is times worse than we would expect by seeing the same edge whittle hair and push-cut rolling paper.
![[Image: 11_dent.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/11_dent.jpg)
A knife that fails early is the result of a wire edge that hasn't been properly removed.
A good sharpener knows how to apex and deburr the edge; an expert sharpener knows how to clean the apex of the weak wire edge not rounding it.
The wire edge is very common in edge-trailing deburring as too often the base of the burr is not removed completely. It is just so fine that it is not detected by the 'finger method' most people use. The end result is the wire edge that dulls extremely quickly once the wire gets mushroomed with the first cuts.
How do we clean the apex of the wire edge?
It's a bad idea to simply draw the edge through a wood block, rubber or cork to “rip off” the wire edge. If you do, the metal crud will build up on the front of the slice, and you'll be dragging the rest of the edge through the crud and this, together with breaking off of ledges of material along the edge, will roughen the edge and worsen sharpness.
An edge-leading pass on an ultra-fine bench stone can accomplish the wire edge removal, but at the risk of micro-chipping and abrading off the apex when done by inexperienced hands. A shortfall of this method is that you are introducing a new microscopic burr.
We remove the wire edge by honing with fine diamonds or CBN and raising the honing angle very slightly, from 0.4 to 2 degrees – the softer the steel, the higher the angle. The edge only needs to “sink” the apex into the compressible material, and you can do this on leather, balsa, hard felt or a paper wheel just as easily as on a hanging denim strop loaded with a fine honing compound – the microscopic diamonds will cut at the base of the burr.
Only once you eliminate the base of the burr, there is no more wire edge. A correctly deburred edge shows nothing except the clean scratch pattern going to the end of the apex.
Optical and SEM microscope images of a cleaned edge follow.
![[Image: 12_deburred.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/12_deburred.jpg)
![[Image: 13_SEM_cleaned_edge.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/13_SEM_cleaned_edge.jpg)
Methods to assure completeness of deburring and removal of the wire edge we have at our disposal, on the one hand, and the miniscule nature of that edge on the other, bring us to the point of uncertainty, IMHO.
In all honesty, where a freshly sharpened edge scores over 100 BESS we can not tell for sure whether this results from some residual wire edge or not – because at this BESS score only SEM imaging is able to exclude the weak apex mushrooming against the test line.
Only when the BESS score taken on the standard test media line is near 50 BESS, i.e. that of uncompromised DE razor, we can be absolutely sure that the edge apex is clean of the wire edge, and this is the only instrumental indicator we have readily available at present.
Experiments on wire edge removal
I experimented on a budget stainless steel kitchen knife - WiltShire brand.
We know these knives as producing that nasty malleable mutant burr that is very difficult to clean off, and I used to be happy if I could get them score 170 BESS.
Sharpened on Tormek, the edge was set at 13 dps on #1000 CBN wheel.
Then honed on a paper wheel with 5-micron diamonds at the edge angle - honing mainstream stainless steels this way invariably produces a microscopic feather burr, similar to pictured.
At this step we thin away the original burr and gain access to the base of the burr.
![[Image: feather_burr2.jpg]](http://knifegrinders.com.au/photos/feather_burr2.jpg)
The top layers of the burr are removed but leave the base of the burr intact and still stuck to the edge in the form of the wire edge. The wire edge, by its genesis, is the very first layer of the burr laid down and is really well stuck to the edge apex. We think this layer at the base don’t flip with the rest of the burr in the process of deburring.
I then cleaned the hardly visible fine feather burr on a rock-hard felt wheel with 1-micron diamonds on Tormek, using our Frontal Vertical Base for honing away from the wheel, similar to shown on the next picture, only in place of the legendary AL MAR imagine the cheap WiltShire kitchen knife.
The experiment plan was in repeating the sharpening-honing-cleaning sequence, gradually raising the felt honing angle, and recording the resulting BESS scores.
Grinding and honing angle was controlled with our computer software for Tormek and paper wheels.
Off the #1000 CBN the edge burr scores 250 BESS.
After the 5-micron diamonds paper wheel the edge feather burr scores near 500 BESS; micro-denting is easily detectable in the point of testing. The high BESS score is result of the feather burr crushing and mushrooming against the test line.
Now 1-2 passes on the felt wheel with 1-micron diamonds on Tormek, alternating blade sides.
At this step we hone away the flimsy feather burr and clean the apex of the wire edge.
Felt wheel at the exact edge angle = 100 BESS
Felt wheel at +0.4 degree higher angle = 80 BESS
Felt wheel at +1 degree higher angle = 175 BESS
Felt wheel at +1.5 degree higher angle = 140 BESS
Felt wheel at +2 degree higher angle = 80 BESS
Felt wheel at +2.5 degree higher angle = 120 BESS
I then repeated the two best results, i.e. re-sharpened the edge on #1000 CBN, honed on the 5-micron diamonds paper wheel at the edge angle, and then on the felt at +0.4 vs +2 degrees higher angle, after the felt wheel finishing the edge on a paper wheel with CHROMOX for final cleanup.
Felt wheel 1-mcrn diamonds @ +0.4 degree = 90 BESS >> CHROMOX = 100 BESS
Felt wheel 1-mcrn diamonds @ +2 degrees = 80 BESS >> CHROMOX = 55-60 BESS, hair-splitting.
We see that for the lower-end mainstream stainless steel the best cleaning of the apex is achieved by high-angle honing at 2 degrees higher than the edge angle.
In this case, the edge set at 13 dps, we cleaned at 15 dps, and by the BESS score near 50 BESS we seem to have cleaned off the wire edge.
For that lower end s/s steel, 55 BESS is a record sharpness score on an obviously stable edge.
How I interpret the other failed sequence of "Felt wheel 1-mcrn diamonds @ +0.4 degree = 90 BESS >> CHROMOX = 100 BESS" - I think it tells us that the base of the burr had not been honed away completely on the felt, and the paper wheel with CHROMOX, rather than cleaning the apex, added volume to the remnants of the wire edge, turning it into the foil edge; when it pressed against the test line and mushroomed we saw that increase in the BESS score.
How I interpret changes in the BESS score with the raise of the honing angle on the felt:
Felt wheel at the exact edge angle = 100 BESS <- feather burr removed, we are nearing the base of the burr
Felt wheel at +0.4 degree higher angle = 80 BESS <- the base of the burr exposed
Felt wheel at +1 degree higher angle = 175 BESS <- adding volume to the base of the burr through burnishing
Felt wheel at +1.5 degree higher angle = 140 BESS <- adding volume to the base of the burr
Felt wheel at +2 degree higher angle = 80 BESS <- the base of the burr cut off, the apex exposed
Felt wheel at +2.5 degree higher angle = 120 BESS <- rounding the edge apex