today i worked inside my local williams & sonoma store for three hours........i work here every third sunday of each month.
today was a good knife day in my opinion. some on the wicked edge and most on the kally......none above 600 grit or A30 except the 3 shuns.....A16 finish 1200........the one shun in vid was 1200 to 3 micron diamonds.....brown/white ceramic and power leather lightly.....BAD
here is a short video .
see ya soon.
Max, thanks for the informative post.
Our thoughts are with you and yours today. The surgery will go well.
You will be home for the next few weeks assisting - when time permits please continue your informative posts.
Should you run out sharpening stories, take us back to some of your sea captain experiences.
Thanks for sharing the video. It was fun to watch! I'm envious... All those knives to sharpen.
Is the belt grinder in the video you Kally? It doesn't look at all like mine.
(03-20-2017, 08:46 AM)Rupert Lucius Wrote: [ -> ]Max, thanks for the informative post.
Our thoughts are with you and yours today. The surgery will go well.
You will be home for the next few weeks assisting - when time permits please continue your informative posts.
Should you run out sharpening stories, take us back to some of your sea captain experiences.
426 pounds dressed blue fin heading to boston fish show last weekend......caught out of wanchese, buddy on forklift is wholesale fish guru.
(03-20-2017, 09:11 AM)grepper Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing the video. It was fun to watch! I'm envious... All those knives to sharpen.
Is the belt grinder in the video you Kally? It doesn't look at all like mine.
kally with no yellow box and has bike grip for carrying and if i turn the grip counter clockwise to center, i can use it for horizontal a leg......also has variable speed motor.
Ah! It was the variable speed motor on your Kally that made me wonder. What did you do with the Baldor that came with it? That Baldor is a great motor!
Hey Max, nice to see you here man
Are you using a variable speed Kally?
If so, how so?
Hello Max!
Thank you for the interesting posts Max. You've raised our curiosity though. We've been told by several of our professional sharpening clients that when they sharpen at "Big Box" stores that they are required to sharpen with sharpeners that are sold by the store chain. I guess everybody knows what kind of sharpener this might be but propriety prevents us from mentioning the brand name here. Let's just say that you plug it into the wall and little wheels start spinning around. Just this week a sharpener told us that he declined the invitation based on this restriction. Obviously you have circumvented this restriction. We don't want you to damage the relationship you have with your client in any way but can you shed any light on this or was it just a non-issue for you at this particular location?
If you don't feel like you can discuss this matter then please simply ignore the question.
(03-23-2017, 05:12 PM)EOU Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Max!
Thank you for the interesting posts Max. You've raised our curiosity though. We've been told by several of our professional sharpening clients that when they sharpen at "Big Box" stores that they are required to sharpen with sharpeners that are sold by the store chain. I guess everybody knows what kind of sharpener this might be but propriety prevents us from mentioning the brand name here. Let's just say that you plug it into the wall and little wheels start spinning around. Just this week a sharpener told us that he declined the invitation based on this restriction. Obviously you have circumvented this restriction. We don't want you to damage the relationship you have with your client in any way but can you shed any light on this or was it just a non-issue for you at this particular location?
If you don't feel like you can discuss this matter then please simply ignore the question.
they asked me to sharpen once per month .....generally 3rd questions asked.......we have another w-S store in the next buddy works it on 2 thurs. per month...........he used 3 kelly's and 1 viel....1 x 42' questions asked he said.
i have been sharpening all there shuns and globals for a few years........they do offer in house with that thing u mentioned, but they only do henckels and wusthofs on it.
Thanks for sharing that Max!
(03-23-2017, 06:44 PM)EOU Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing that Max!
Most of the W S stores are franchised and the franchise owner goes where he/she want to.